This is untitled cause it's a list of random thoughts.
1) There will be no pictures from me for a while, because, sadly the lens cover thingy that covers the lens broke. I dropped off my camera yesterday at Best Buy and I was given a sentence of approximately 2 weeks until my camera is returned. So hopefully in a month, I'll have my camera back. Given the fact that my camera was stolen in Paris 4 months ago, and now the lens cover thingy broke, I am convinced I should not own a camera. If one more thing happens, I will seriously consider disowning the dang thing.
2) The move from Brooklyn went well. Despite the fact that everyone else bailed on us and we were left to fend for ourselves, we did pretty damn well moving everything into the truck and driving down to NOVA...I mean except for the little fender bender I got in with Noah's car and the red pole at the gas station. Dammit you darn red pole for gettin' in my way and all.
3) I've been working on the Easy Ripple Shawl from Lion Brand for my co-worker Brenda. I made one for my mom about a year ago. Mom loves it but never wears it (seems to be a trend with moms and handmade gifts from their children) so I brought it into work to keep me warm. Brenda begged me to make her one, and even though I swore I wouldn't ever make another one, despite its beauty, I couldn't resist her southern charm. It takes 6 skeins of Microspun yarn to complete and I've already used up 4 skeins. Second time around isn't taking as long considering that I'm forcing myself only to work on this project cause I want it done and over with. If I start another project, it will never get finished.
4) I'm heading to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this Sunday. I may have convinced Noah and Mom to come along. Maire, you in?
I can't even begin to describe how badly I want to go with you. I mean, ME... at a yarnfest?!?!?! You'd have to drag me away kicking & screaming. Unfortunately, I can't go :-( I won't be finished with finals until Wednesday.
On another note, tonight's Law & Order credits listed "Sam Freed" at the begining. pretty cool, huh?
Yeah, that is very cool. I think Sam Freed was on another L & O episode once before. I'm sorry you won't be able to come. Is there any way I could convince you to go? Maybe take a little break from studying??
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