Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'm really into these survey things...

Maybe it's because I love reading other people's responses, and also being creative about my own. So please, join in on my survey craze and complete. I promise, it's fun!

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life
1. Sales Associate at The Gap
2. Hostess at Lonestar Steakhouse
3. Intern at the Legal Aid Society's Health Law Unit in Harlem, NY
4. Therapist for an autistic boy

FourMovies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Notting Hill
2. Some Kind of Wonderful
3. Apollo 13
4. Almost Famous

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Gray's Anatomy
2. Law and Order
3. Sex and the City
4. ER

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Brooklyn, NY
2. New Orleans, LA
3. Columbia, MD
4. Baltimore, MD

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Israel
2. Paris, France
3. Bahamas
4. Ireland

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Yahoo.com
2. Cnn.com
3. CrazyAuntPurl.com.
4. Popsugar.com


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Four Jobs You Have Had In Your Life
1. Teacher
2. Cafeteria Worker
3. Business Owner
4. Newsletter Editor

FourMovies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Blues Brothers
2. Animal House
3. The Bird Cage
4. Almost Famous

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Gray's Anatomy
2. Law and Order
3. West Wing
4. House

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Bronx, NY
2. Plainview, NY
3. Tallahassee, FL
4. Birmingham, AL

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Israel
2. Paris, France
3. Mexico
4. Italy

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. CrazyAuntPurl
2. Blogus Erratus
3. Yahoo
4. JaKnitters

6:43 PM  
Blogger Always Freed said...

When did you work as a cafeteria worker? That must have been your former life:)

7:05 PM  

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