Friday, March 17, 2006

Adventures of Exploration and Apartment Hunting

Okay y’all, I’m just warning you now so no one gets disappointed. I am not going to write about knitting (okay maybe a little at the end but not right now). Sometimes I get spurts of writing enthusiasm and share with the world what I’ve been up to these past few days. You see, Noah got into grad school (and not to brag about him, but of all the schools he has heard from, he’s gotten into all of them…okay, I’m done bragging, at least for now). And the greatest news is that he got into UVA and that’s his first choice. And of course, I’m all excited cause it means that all of our fantastic dreams of Charlottesville may actually come true. We have plans to go down to Charlottesville tomorrow and what started out as a little excursion to see the town and explore, has turned into me pretending like we’re gonna find an apartment. You see, we just want to go and get a feel for the area and I thought to myself, “What better way to do that that to see apartments in different areas of the town?” And I’m queen of apartment hunting. And let me tell you why! Two summers ago, when Noah and I were living in Brooklyn, New York, I thought I had my living situation all worked out for the following fall semester, you know…who I was gonna live with and how we were gonna find a place and I didn’t worry about it for one minute. Well, needless to say, that did not work out the way I had it all perfectly planned in my mind. So, after a few fits of tears cause I had less than a month to find a place to live, I took charge the way I like, armed with a folder, a pad of paper and a pen and I went searching for an apartment. I went on Craigslist and apartments dot com and findanapartmentpleasenowbeforeistarttolosemymind dot come and I picked a day that Noah and I were gonna drive down to Maryland. I made a pretty little schedule of when I was going to see the apartments with all the apartments printed out and all the best features color coded and highlighted and all ranked from best to worst on a scale from one to two hundred making notes before and after and in between. I mean, I was organized. I made Martha look bad. And of course I found an apartment. A cute row home in Charles Village for the cheapest rent in town, which I would later found out was because I was living on the edge of the ghetto but that’s besides the point.

So, I was excited this week to put my apartment hunting skills to use, and off I went calling places and e-mailing places and checking my e-mail and my voicemail every other minute, and much to my chagrin, there are not a lot places available. They’ve been gobbled up pretty quickly, but I may have found a few hidden jewels, lurking in the wings. I’ll be sure to take pictures of any cute places and hopefully, we’ll fall in love with our future home town.

As for knitting, Maire and I visited The Celtic Knot yarn store in Ellicott City, Maryland on Thursday and of course, I couldn’t leave without buying something. I ended up bringing home some very thin metallic cord to be doubled with a thin strand of mohair, in the hopes of a making a drop stitch scarf. The store had the same materials knitted into this drop stitch scarf pattern, but of course, when I got home to try it out, mine didn’t look like the one in the store. I’m thinking that the mohair is way to thin, cause right now, it looks not so much like a scarf but more like a string of loops. I’ll be searching for some thicker mohair, so the scarf can keep me warm. Who needs a drafty scarf? Pictures in time my friends, pictures in time.


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