Finally, another finished project.
To read more about this project, click here. I'm sending these to Noah today, because nothing is more fun than getting presents in the mail, unexpectedly. Here is my foot modeling the socks, so you can see the ribbing more clearly.
By knitting up both socks at the same time, I completely avoided the one-sock syndrome. When I was finishing the toe portion on the first sock, all I had to do was complete the toe portion on the second sock. I will never knit socks without knitting them simultaneously again.
As for my next project, I've already moved the majority of my yarn down to Charlottesville already, with a few projects at home to finish up. Since I don't have any yarn close by to call out to me while I'm working on another project, I'll be forced to finish up the incomplete projects I have lingering at home. Not a bad way to clean up shop! I do have my eye on another project I want to start very soon, but I am not allowing myself to begin it until I get a job in Charlottesville. This is because this project requires a lot of yarn and I will feel better about buying the yarn if I know that I will be employed in the near future. As for now, I'm on the last skein of yarn required for the Very Easy Ripple Shawl for my co-worker Brenda. While I'm hoping to finish the shawl by the end of the weekend, I'm not making any promises.